FINALLY my own GitHub page. Let the blogging begin!

A new year is upon us, and I thought that I’d finally get my stuff together and put up a blog on my GitHub page, because, why not? Everyone seem to be blogging these days, and it has never been easier to throw stuff out there for anyone (or no one for that matter) to enjoy. This is an opportunity no one should let fly!

About me

Any first post on a blog should contain a bio on the author, and this blog shall be nothing lesser! Here is the short story about me:

My name is Jonas Westmo Strømsodd. I’m 23 years old, and currently living the “lazy” days as a college student, majoring in a glorious and at times incredibly boring field: Telematics. When I’m not locking myself up in my office at NTNU, I like to play video games, study chess (I participate in club tournaments, with various levels of success…), exercise and co-host a sports show on the local student radio.

A picture of me
A somewhat goofy picture of me. Should reflect my writings!

Now on to the good stuff: Enter blog!

What stuff will I write about?

Excellent question! Truth is, I don’t know for sure what I’ll end up writing about. What I do know is that I want to use this blog as a way to share experiences I’ve had as a developer, such as:

If you like reading about fun, nerdy developer stuff, I think you’ll enjoy at least one of my upcoming posts.