I really have to blog more!

It’s been a hell of a long time since I last published something here. The reason for this can be described with in words: MASTERS THESIS. This past semester was my last at NTNU and the past few months have been spent pounding some healthy combination of Red Bull, nuts, pizza and tacos (and possibly some Oreos too). Combined with the fact that I really wanted to watch the NBA Finals this year, I also got to turn my sleeping rythm around to become somewhat nocturnal.

After clawing my way through the past month to finish my thesis (in style, I hope), summer is finally here, which means time for me to do more blogging! During the past weeks, quite a few things have come to me as possible things to write about, possibly a result from my acts of procastination while finishing my thesis. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Elm: What’s the hype all about?

Elm is a functional programming language created for the sole purpose of designing user interfaces for the browser. It basically takes the concepts introduced by React and Redux and make a programming language from it. I am going to look more into Elm during the summer, and hopefully put one or more posts out on what I think. I’ve been going through part of the docs and some tutorials already, and it all seems pretty exciting!

Work work work!

I’m starting my career as a full-time professional developer in August. I’m gonna have a ton of new experiences, which ought to give me tons of fun stuff to write about.

Open source stuff

Lately, I have been spending more and more time trying to contribute to some of the open-source projects I enjoy using. I think this is great fun, and all developers should do so. I am gonna put out some posts about some of the projects I have been contributed to, including one of my own, which has a little, tiny bit of traction.

At the time of writing, I am getting ready for my first customer interview as a consultant. If all goes well, I’ll get to work all day with all the fun, jazzy technologies, like React, Redux, Node, ES6 and WebSockets. Wish me luck!